Tag Archives: #yeezy

Coming up to my blog!

All the details on how to get this look and look like Kim Kardashian with a friendly budget.


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Filed under celebrity inspiration

All Black

Seems like everything I wear is black, but again you cant really go wrong with it.  This jacket that I am wearing, it happened that I found it in the mens section in my fave department store Von Maur.  The brand is RVCA.  Its a brand that honestly not something I would usually wear but I loved it and I had to buy it.





Get the look
Dress- Von Maur
Booties-Steve Madden
Coat- RVCA

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Filed under Spring Fashion

Part #2 Recycle Ur Closet

In my previous blog post, I showed you guys a pretty simple look for an everyday style.  In this post im going to show you how to recycle your the previous outfit with the same pieces, and layering news! Adding a chambray top to the outfit just made it look like im wearing something else, but in reality is exaclty the same outfit with some extra pieces.  Sometimes, instead of buying and buying so much clothes, we should visit our closet and do an inventory of what we have.  I have to remind my self to look over my closet, before I go shopping.  I know its hard but it will save you alot of money.  Specially for all of you highschool or college students.  Obviously you dont have to wear boots with heels to school but you can wear cute flat boots that will still go with your outfit!

En el blog anterior les mostre un look muy simple, que facilmente lo puedes encontrar entre las cosas que ya tienes en tu closet, o por lo menos algo parecido; ahora les voy a enseñar lo facil que es reciclar un look y que paresca totalmente diferente! Ya no tendras que preocuparte por que la gente piense que eso es algo que ya usaste! Te puedo asegurar que ni cuenta se van a dar, y lo mejor te ayudara ahorrar dinero! Antes de ir de compras les recomiendo que busquen en su closet y hagan un invetario de las piensas que ya tienen.  Creanme que se lo dificil que es decirle no a “shopping”, pero esto es muy util si vas la prepa o al cole y tu prioridad no es gastar.  Espero y les guste! Recuerden esto solo son tips!




My Look


                DENIM TOP (on sale)
               Option #2 Denim Top

To get the rest of my look, visit my last post!

Para tener el resto del look, visita mi ultimo post!

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Filed under Recycle Ur Closet, Thrift Shop